Q-Linker Full edition smart queuing management system V.5

New: FULL EDITION V6 QUEUING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - Launched on 6 Feb. 2023 for more information press here, please

Our smart queue management systems are mostly used in: Banks, Telecommunications, Insurance companies, Hospitals, but many times one can see this solution in Airlines, ticket Offices, Malls, etc…
But in most cases, where the client turnover is more complex, or management needs a centralized system the perfect solution is Q-Linker Full Edition.
Q-Linker online queue number booking helps to avoid the crowd and time waiting.
The customer feedback satisfaction evaluation survey app gives you the flexibility to ask different types of questions.
Q-Linker simulator software full-help you to configure your queue system by the best configuration.
Q-Linker Data analysis software full-help you build your reports as you request.


Main features of full edition V5.xx:

•Web application and desktop smart queue system with customer feedback satisfaction evaluation survey.
•Different advertisement content for many advertisement screens with the same queue information.
•Online queue booking number.
•Logging file, Undo, and history full-help you with configure your system.
•SAS" Smart announcement system" with V5.0 in New formula for will save your customers time more and more.
•Operational lifespan: MEAN TIME TO FAILURE (MTTF)=18
•Multi-Languages: Your language can choose while the ticketing its will make the following actions by the language you had chosen:
•Ticket language, audio announcement language, counter display screen, advertising screen and guide you the staff which talking the language you had chosen.
•Ticket dispenser will show advertisements when it’s not in use.
•Information center in the ticket dispenser will help your client to select the correct service which he needs.
•Unlimited main services.
And more of unique features…

Full Edition V5.xx is made up of 14 Software, divided into four groups:

1- Simulation, Test & Design Group:


• Q-Linker simulator software.

• Q-Linker Test Unit Toolbox.

• Q-Linker LED Display Toolbox.

2- Operation system group, system does not operate without it:

Q-Linker ticket dispenser software.

Q-Linker server software web application.

Q-Linker employee software replaced with a smart clerk App for tablet.

Q-Linker Mananger Software.

*- For the web application, there is some software that comes built-in with Q-Linker server software web application.

3- Advertising Software:

Q-Linker Single advertising Sofware.
Q-Linker Multiple interactive Advertising Software.

4- Management, Monitoring, Analysis and Customer Satisfaction feedback Software:

A- Q-Linker Supervisor software.
B- Q-Linker Supervisor software With CMS.
C- Q-Linker Simultaneous single queue flow monitoring  (for one branch).
D- Q-Linker Simultaneous multiple queue flow monitoring  (for several branches).
E- Q-Linker Analysis software.
F- Q-Linker customer satisfaction Survey software.

Know about q-linker anti halt


New generation of smart queue management system full edition V5.0 Online Appointment Booking System web application desktop & cloud queue system Planing Unlimited main services MTTF MEAN TIME TO FAILURE MTTR MEAN TIME TO REPAIR MTBF MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURES queue simulation online managing monitoring IAS Multi languages Information center supervising reporting queue flow system in the branches token management system SAS" Smart announcement system" queue ticketing patient queue management system online queue booking number customer flow que manager LED digital signage waiting line management virtual queuing customer feedback satisfaction evaluation survey clerk App walk in appointments business intelligence in banking industry sistema de filas virtual queue
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