QP‐14LCD Keypad queuing system

QP‐14LCD Discontinued
Heavy-duty keypad created for an employee who had no employee

software; it works as a standalone and does almost features of employee software.
•     It comes with a 14 Bottoms with a click, Included 12 Character LCD monochrome, 9 characters 7sigment + 5characters 16 segments showing the queue number of the called customer
•    It offers additional information such as the total number of waiting customers that can be displayed.
•    2 Colors LED show unit status.

Keypad offers the following functions:

•  NEXT: calling a new customer.
•  Call: For calling a queue.
•  Pass call: For transferee queue to other services.
•  Add customers to the waiting list.
•  Request queue from the queue list.
•  Review of the tickets in waiting.
•  Delete all the tickets from the waiting list.
•  Show the number of the tickets waiting list.

QP‐14LCD Keypad queuing system
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