TGT as a coronavirus protiction

TGT as a coronavirus protection

One of the most common means of transmission of the Covid-19 is flying spray from the human mouth.
This is what made wearing a mask necessary or even mandatory in some countries.
But sometimes a person has to take off the mask from his face to talk in A clear voice especially that usually wearing A face mask changes and the spreading method becomes less and increases from the sides


This is what's called in engineering "changing the polar curve to propagate the sound."

It is known that when a customer speaks with an employee, he may act to provide confidential information, so the customer will have to raise his voice and the mask will spread his voice, making his voice heard to others, so he has to remove the mask while speaking, which increases the risk of transmitting the dangerous virus to the employee.

Our TGT-R is an excellent solution to this problem and is mutual protection for the customer and the employee.
It also allows us to have an easy and comfortable conversation


It contains two-way speakers and a microphone allowing us to make it easy e conversate in real-time without a problem.
Also, it’s allowed to record the conversation to ensure a higher quality service.
For Q-Linker smart solutions


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TGT as a coronavirus protection
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