Transfer Unit

Transfer Unit

Transfer Unit Is a safe way to transport documents, bags and small packages money from insecure environment for a safe environment (space located behind the glass isolation Safe employs staff work of the Foundation and a space located in front of glass isolation safe where there are clients) while retaining factor of security as close the opening of the one of the sides return opened by so that it is impossible to pass anything by force Furthermore it with the possibility of prevention the movement so that the employees can prevent its movement.

Made from metal with transparent cover allow exchanged materials and to see insurance protection.



The body is made of metal.
Moving transparent cover.
Cover is equipped with a lock to prevent movement when required.
It is closing hole of sender when open the receiver hole .


1. Provide the exchange of small things (papers - money - etc.) between two isolated sides.
2. Provide personal protection to the employee if the stranger threatening with a gun tried to transfer via the hole (in the absence of cover can be a criminal that the trapped his hand with a handgun and threatened the employee)
3. Moving cover reduces the effect of gas if someone put an explosive drug gas or tear gas canister in the transfer unit Hall for the purpose of control of the place.


- Banks, exchange firms, accounting departments of various organizations, government departments, etc.
- Available model particularly suitable for prisons and dangerous places .

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